
首页 equity represents a significant portion of the average retiree’s wealth. 如果你62岁或以上,有房子,但手头拮据, a reverse mortgage loan allows you to convert part of the equity in your home into cash – without having to 卖掉你的房子. 你可以用这笔钱来资助家庭装修, 还清你目前的抵押贷款, 补充退休收入, 或者支付医疗费用. 然而,反向抵押贷款并非没有风险.


A reverse mortgage is a type of home equity loan that allows you to convert some of the equity in your home into cash while you continue to own the home. Reverse mortgages operate like traditional mortgages, only in reverse. Rather than paying your lender each month, the lender pays you. 有三种反向按揭计划可供选择:

  • Single-purpose reverse mortgages that are offered by state and local government agencies and nonprofit organizations,
  • 联邦担保的反向抵押贷款, 也被称为房屋净值转换抵押贷款(hecm), 有美国的支持. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); and
  • Proprietary reverse mortgages, which are private loans backed by the companies that develop them.


The primary benefit of a reverse mortgage is that it allows homeowners aged 62 and over to keep living in their homes and use their equity for whatever purpose they choose. A reverse mortgage could be used to cover the cost of home health care, 偿还现有的抵押贷款,以阻止止赎, 或抚养子女或孙辈. A reverse mortgage can also be into your retirement strategy.

取决于出借人, 借款人可以选择按月付款, 一次性付款, 信用额度, 或者是一些组合. Choosing 信用额度 offers the most flexibility by allowing homeowners to write checks on their equity when needed up to the limit of the loan.

Reverse mortgages differ from home equity loans in that most reverse mortgages do not require repayment of principal, 感兴趣, 或者是服务费,只要你住在房子里. 而不是, 贷款在你死后偿还, 卖掉你的房子, 或者当你的家不再是你的主要住所时.

The proceeds of a reverse mortgage generally are tax-free, and 感兴趣 on reverse mortgages is not deductible until you pay off the debt. When the homeowner dies or moves out, the loan is paid off by selling the property. Any leftover equity belongs to the homeowner or the heirs.

许多反向抵押贷款没有收入限制. If you receive Social Security Supplemental Security Income, 反向按揭付款不会影响你的福利, as long as you spend them within the month they are received. This rule is also valid for Medicaid benefits in most states.


  • 申请人必须年满62岁.
  • Potential borrowers must either completely own their home or only have a couple of mortgage payments remaining.
  • Reverse mortgage borrowers must live in the home being used as collateral.
  • Borrowers must have an excellent credit history to qualify for reverse mortgage loans.
  • All homeowners must sign the paperwork to secure the reverse mortgage.
  • Primarily, single-family one-unit dwellings are required to qualify for a reverse mortgage.
  • 在反向抵押贷款过程中, the homeowners are responsible for property taxes and repairs to the property as they still own their home.


Maximum loan amounts range (depending on the lender) from 50% to 75% of the home’s fair market value. The general rule is that the older the homeowner and the more valuable the home, 更多的钱将可用. 所有反向抵押贷款都有无追索权条款, 这意味着债务不能超过房屋的价值. That is, you (and your heroes) cannot owe more than the home’s fair market value.

Maximum loan amount limits are based on the value of the home, 借款人的年龄和预期寿命, 贷款利率, 无论贷款人的政策是什么. 例如, a homeowner taking out a reverse mortgage 2022 through the Federal Housing Administration would be subject to a maximum loan amount of $970,800 -即使房屋的评估价值更多.


If you plan to move a few years down the road or there is a possibility you will have to move due to illness or any other unforeseen event, then a reverse mortgage probably doesn’t make any sense. Additionally, suppose you already have a substantial mortgage on your home. 在这种情况下, the reverse mortgage is probably not for you since you will have to pay it off before becoming eligible. Several additional downsides of reverse mortgages include:

  • 产生大量的利息债务. Reverse mortgages (fixed-rate or adjustable-rate) are rising-debt loans in that the 感兴趣 is added to the loan balance each month. 因为目前还没有支付, the total 感兴趣 you owe increases greatly over time as the 感兴趣 compounds.
  • 留给继承人的财产减少. If you want to pass your home to your children or heirs, the reverse mortgage is not a good choice since the lender will get most of the equity when the home is sold, 留给继承人的财产更少.
  • 前期成本更高. The high up-front costs of reverse mortgages may make them less attractive to some people. All three types of plans charge an origination fee, 感兴趣 rate, closing costs, and servicing fees. 保险计划也收取保险费.
  • 可调与. 固定利率. 有很多反向抵押贷款计划, 感兴趣 rates are adjustable annually or monthly and tied to a financial index, sometimes with limits on how far the rate can go up or down. Reverse mortgages with 感兴趣 rates that adjust monthly have no limit. Remember that the higher the rate, the faster your equity is used up.


