Blog: It’s Natural Disaster Season; How To Safeguard Tax Records

随着东部和南部的飓风季节, 西部的野火季节, and severe weather season in the middle of the county, now is a good time to create or review emergency preparedness plans for surviving natural disasters. Here are three steps taxpayers can take to safeguard their tax records before disaster strikes and minimize negative tax consequences should a disaster occur:

  1. 确保关键文件的安全并做好副本. You should place original documents such as tax returns, 出生证明, 的行为, 标题, and insurance policies inside waterproof containers in a secure space. Duplicates of these documents should be kept with a trusted person outside your geographic area. Scanning them for backup storage on electronic media, 比如u盘, is another option that provides security and portability.
  2. 贵重物品和设备的文件. Current photos or videos of your home’s or business’s contents can help support claims for insurance or tax benefits after a disaster. 而所有的财产都应该记录在案, it’s especially important to record expensive and high-value items.
  3. 向税务专业人士寻求帮助. 在联邦应急管理局发布灾难声明之后, the IRS may postpone certain tax filing and tax-payment deadlines for taxpayers who reside or have a business in the disaster area. The IRS automatically identifies taxpayers located in the covered disaster area and applies filing and payment relief. Taxpayers who do not reside in a covered disaster area but suffered impact from a disaster may qualify for disaster tax relief and other options. Reconstructing records after a disaster may be required for tax purposes, 获得联邦援助, 或者保险报销. A tax professional can help you determine what tax relief you’re eligible for and even assist with reconstructing records. If you have suffered a natural disaster, please call the office immediately for assistance.



